Here, as an undertaking for the summer, I'm going to review many of my favourite movies, along with any other new ones that I happen to come across. As you may have guessed by the title, the films that appeal to me are generally ones which present life as a mostly pleasant and worthwhile activity. Now, this doesn't mean that I'll only be reviewing movie musicals and romantic comedies - although these will of course come up rather frequently - so don't run away just yet. I'll try to keep the range of films varied; but the finer side of human nature will be a reoccuring theme, cynics be damned. This doesn't necessarily mean that I'll be sticking solely to happy endings...
So, if the concept appeals, stick around for my generally-coherent-if-effusive accounts of the films which have made a positive impression on me. Because, as an oddly wise elf once said, "I just like to smile, smiling's my favourite."
~ Genevieve